Saturday 26 April 2014

“Les Choristes”

Clément Mathieu dan para pelajar ketika persembahan koir.

Filem Les Chorus merupakan sebuah filem Peracis pada tahun 2004. Filem ini dibintangi oleh Gerard Jugnot dan Francois Berleand.

Filem ini berlatar belakangkan sebuah sekolah berasrama penuh untuk kanak-kanak lelaki yang tidak bernasib baik sekitar tahun 1949 di Perancis.

Filem ini sangat menarik walaupun pada awalnya ia seperti membosankan kerana berlatarkan muzik koir. Tetapi apabila penonton meneruskan tontonan filem ini sebenarnya sangat menarik dan memberi inspirasi.

Guru  Besar sekolah tersebut Rachin merupakan seorang yang sangat garang. walau bagaimanapun beliau masih menunjukkan rasa simpati dalam usaha menjaga lima puluh ++ muridnya di sekolah berasrama penuh itu. Prinsip hidupnya ialah  "Tindakan , reaksi " dan keras hati"

Walau bagaimanapun, situasi hambar di sekolah tersebut mula berubah dengan kedatangan Clément Mathieu  sebagi seorang guru dan juga warden yang pernah mengajar muzik di asrama tersebut.   Mathieu sangat terkejut dengan kekejaman dan ketidakadilan  yang berlaku dalam sekolah itu. oleh itu beliau mencari jalan  untuk memupuk semangat keadilan dan sifat penyayang dalam kalangan kanak-kanak lelaki di sekolah itu . 

Paling penting, dia menanamkan rasa harga diri dan maruah diri dengan mendengar kanak-kanak lelaki dan bercakap dengan mereka sebagai manusia. Di samping mengekalkan disiplin berdasarkan kebaikan bersama dan bukan ketakutan dan kuasa beliau dapat membawa perubahan kepada sekolah dan hampir separuh pelajar disekolah berkenaan  :)

Pepinot. Antara pelajar sekolah tersebut

Rachin,Pengetua sekolah.

sumber gambar:


Super 8 is a film whose plot had been shrouded in mystery since the first teaser was released.  Written and directed by J.J. Abrams, (Lost, Fringe, Cloverfield, Star Trek) and produced by Steven Spielberg.

Super8 Poster

All the same, "Super 8" is a wonderful film, nostalgia not for a time but for a style of filmmaking, when shell-shocked young audiences were told a story and not pounded over the head with aggressive action. Abrams treats early adolescence with tenderness and affection. He uses his camera to accumulate emotion. He has the rural town locations right.
And he does an especially good job with Joe, Alice, Charles and their friends, especially Cary (Ryan Lee). You know how a lot of heist and action movies have an explosives expert? Cary is the kid who is always playing with matches and fireworks. There was always some kid like that in school. The grown-ups said if he kept on like that he'd blow off a finger. We were rather grateful for the suspense."

Accordint to Roger Abert 0n 8 June 2011 by his review at, he said "With its night skies filled with mystery, its kids racing around town on bicycles and its flashlights forming visible beams in the air, "Super 8" has the visual signatures of an early Spielberg movie. Its earnest young heroes stumble upon an awesome mystery and try to investigate it themselves. And as an Ohio town experiences frightening events, we feel poised between "The Goonies" and a 1950s sci-fi film with the characters lined up side by side and looking in alarm at an awesome sight.
The associations are deliberate. Steven Spielberg produced the film, and its director, J.J. Abrams, worked in lowly roles on early Spielberg movies before going on to make "Mission Impossible III" (2006) and "Star Trek" (2009) — and produce "Lost" on TV. What they're trying to do is evoke the innocence of an “E.T.” while introducing a more recent level of special effects. There are really two movies here, one about the world of the kids and one about the expectations of the audience, and "Super 8" leads a charmed life until the second story takes command.
Set in the 1970s, it opens with its 12-year-old hero, Joe Lamb (Joel Courtney), helping his intense friend Charles (Riley Griffiths) make an 8mm zombie movie for a local film festival. This of course must be done in secret, not so much because parents would forbid it, but because it's fun to operate with stealth. Besotted by stories of other young directors (no doubt including Spielberg), they scout locations, improvise costumes and energetically apply zombie makeup.
In this they are greatly assisted by 14-year-old Alice (Elle Fanning), who not only plays the zombie mother but just as important, sneaks out with her father's car to drive them all to a midnight shoot at the local train station.
A great opportunity develops when a train comes rumbling out of the night. "Action!" Charles shouts, and Joe and Alice try to perform their dialogue as the train rumbles past. Then a pickup truck appears, racing on the tracks toward the train. The train wreck goes on and on and on, tossing railroad cars around like dominoes. You would think a freight car loaded with heavy metals couldn't fly very high into the sky, but you'd be wrong. This is a sensationally good action sequence, up there with the airplane crash in "Knowing."
Yes, something ominous is happening, but I'd better not say what. Part of the delicious fun of the film is the way it toys with portents. For example, Joe's dog disappears. He tacks up a card on a notice board. We see that countless dogs have disappeared. Later, there's a map of where missing dogs have been found. The dots form a ring around the city. All the dogs ran out of town. This moment reminded me of the great shot in "The Thing" (1952), when the scientists stood on the outline of something in the Antarctic ice and when Howard Hawks' camera drew back, we saw they were in a circle.
Meanwhile, human elements come into play. Joe's mother was killed not long ago in an accident at the steel mill. He mourns her. His father, Deputy Sheriff Jack Lamb (Kyle Chandler). has grown distant and depressive. Joe be­gins to bond with Alice, who is two years older but sympathetic and nice. There's an oddly touching scene where he helps her with her zombie makeup.
It is a requirement of these films that adults be largely absent. The kids get involved up to their necks, but the grown-ups seem slow to realize strange things are happening. Here, the mystery centers on the cargo of the cars in the train wreck, and on the sudden materialization of U.S. Air Force investigators and troops in town. If we don't instinctively know it from this movie, we know it from a dozen earlier ones: The authorities are trying to cover up something frightening, and the kids are on the case.
During the first hour of "Super 8," I was elated by how good it was. It was like seeing a lost early Spielberg classic. Then something started to slip. The key relationship of Alice and her troubled father Louis (Ron Eldard) went through an arbitrary U-turn. Joe's own father seemed to sway with the requirements of the plot. The presentation of the threat was done with obscure and unconvincing special effects. We want the human stories and the danger to mesh perfectly, and they seem to slip past one another."

Lizzie Mcguire

According to Rachel Barlow, Lizzie Mcguire is a film abaut  Lizzie McGuire and her best friends Kate, Gordo, and Ethan have just graduated from middle school, and to celebrate, they're taking part in a class trip to Rome, Italy. Eager to celebrate their new maturity as high school students, Lizzie and her pals hope to live it up in one of Europe's most fabled cities, but fate has something more spectacular in store for Lizzie. Lizzie discovers that she bears a striking resemblance to Isabella, an Italian teen-pop idol famous for her duets with heart-throb Paolo -- so much so that when Paolo and Isabella have a falling out, he asks Lizzie to take Isabella's place for an upcoming concert. Lizzie, however, isn't sure she feels comfortable stepping into the spotlight, and is even less sure about the way she feels about Paolo, who makes no secret of his infatuation with her. Things don't get any simpler for Lizzie when her family gets wind of her newfound fame, and catch the next flight to Italy.

Question: why make Lizzie Mmcguire so interesting???

According             to Anonymous at page's  Disney's "The Lizzie McGuire Movie" serves up the comic foibles of lovable Lizzie McGuire and her pals Gordo, Kate, and Ethan, who all pack their bags and plan to live la dolce vita while on a class trip to Italy. Once there, Lizzie is mistaken for Isabella (who is part of an Italian pop duo) and begins to fall for Paolo (Isabella's handsome Italian pop star former boyfriend). When Lizzie's mom, dad, and annoying brother Matt get wind of this, they all jet their way to the boot country. In the meantime, Lizzie is transformed from a gawky teen to a beautiful pop star, Gordo struggles to understand his true feelings for her, and a whirlwind of surprising events force Lizzie to find the true meaning of friendship.

Cast & Crew


Saturday 12 April 2014


Dark Skies merupakan sebuah filem seram yang diarahkan dan ditulis oleh Scott Stewart. Filem ini telah diterbitkan pada tahun 2013 oleh Jason Blum. Dark Skies mengisahkan tentang sebuah keluarga biasa yang secara tiba-tiba mengalami beberapa perkara aneh dalam kehidupan seharian mereka. Kisah bermula apabila berlaku gangguan @ serangan secara diam didapur rumah sehinggalah rumah yang didiami mereka diserang oleh ratusan ekor burung yang sukar ditemui. Pada mulanya kedua ibu-bapa berfikir bahawa kejadian aneh itu merupakan rancangan nakal anak lelaki mereka tetapi tuduhan mereka meleset apabila si suami yang dibintangi oleh Josh Hamilton berjaya merakam beberapa kelibat mahkluk aneh dalam rumah mereka.

Dark Skies merupakan filem sains fiksyen yang bergenrekan seram,suspen dan misteri. ketiga-tiga elemen ini berjaya membuat penonton berasa takut dan seram. secara keseluruhannya eleman saspen lebih banyak dimuatkan kedalam filem jika hendak dibandingkan dengan elemen seram yang dibawa oleh alien ataupun The Grey.


Secara keseluruhannya,latar tempat yang digunakan ialah di sebuah rumah, termasuk persekitaran rumah tersebut yang didiami oleh pasangan suami isteri Keri Russel, Josh Hamilton bersama dua orang anaknya Dakota Goyo serta L.J Banet. Banyak 'scene' di dalam filem ini menunjukkan bahagian dalam rumah, ruang dapur, bilik, termasuk penggunaan props seperti perabot yang serta halaman rumah yang didiami oleh mereka berempat. Pada peringkat klimaks, props yang digunakan seperti senapang dan pisau teryata bersesuaian dengan scene cemas yang ditunjukkan. Props yang digunakan ternyata amat teratur dan teliti, kerana bersesuaian dengan adegan yang handak disampaikan kepada penonton.

latar tempat di halaman rumah

latar tempat dikawasan ruang tamu

latar tempat di dalam bilik tidur

 1) extrem close-up

2) close-up

3)medium shot

4)long shot

director journal WEEK 5

Pada minggu kelima, kami ditayangkan sebuah filem yang sangat menarik iaitu sebuah filem arahan Scott stewart. seperti biasa, sebelum kami disajikan dengan dengan wayang percuma, kami terlebih dahulu akan diberi kuliah oleh pensyarah. kami  belajar mengenai critical
approaches to film. kami juga didedahkan mengenai Artheur Theory. dalam teori ini ada menyatakan bahawa, penulis skrip mempunyai hak yang sama terhadap sesebuah filem. tetapi sesetengah orang tidak menyetujuinya kerana mereka lebih mempercayai pengarah filem tersebut. Selain itu, kami juga telah mempelajari jenis-jenis shot yang harus diaplikasikan didalam filem agar ia kelihat bervariasi dan lebih menarik. Shot dan story line merupakan antara elemen yang boleh digunakan dan mampu menjadi daya penarik terhadap filem yang dihasilkan.